Lover of the Least Newsletter

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Through our platform, we advocate for the voiceless and raise awareness about critical issues in the lesser-known corners of the world. Together, we can amplify their voices and create meaningful change. Join us on this journey of compassion, justice, and advocacy.

Stephen Sanglir Stephen Sanglir

Walking with God and Beating the Odds

I absolutely love to gamble!
Can’t tell you how many times I have been to Vegas!
And I can’t tell you how many times I have tried to figure out a method to beat the odds.

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Stephen Sanglir Stephen Sanglir

What Makes You Come Alive?

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs are people who have come alive.”

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Stephen Sanglir Stephen Sanglir

Being Real is Fearful

Its tough for men to be real…..scary as hell……..we would all rather be Posers, fakes and phonies…

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