The Next Chapter……….Walking With God vs. Smack Talkin’………What’s Your Choice?
by Keith Johnson
Obey God in the thing he shows you, and instantly the next thing is opened up.
God will never reveal more truth about himself until you have obeyed what you know already………..
This chapter brings out the delight of real friendship with God.
———Oswald Chambers
When it comes to Spirituality, I can talk some smack!!
I know all the right terms and verses and quotes and doctrines and phrases.
God Help Me!!
To Stop the Smack Talk
Start the Real Walk.
Not a Moon Walk……or a Poser Walk,
But a Walk with my Friend
“I no longer call you servants…………”
——John 15:15
A Holy Walk…..loving purity and the Holiness of God!
This book has changed me. Given to me by my daughter over 10 years ago, I never picked it up until 8 months ago.
The timing was right…….it has rocked me………deep…….in my soul.
Next to the Word of God, Wild at Heart is by far, “My Best Read”, ever!
I would put it over the Westminster Confession any day of the week.
But this is not a book plug, its a life plug!
Dallas Willard writes, “The ideal for divine guidance is …a conversational relationship with God:
The sort of relationship suited to friends who are mature personalities in a shared enterprise.”
Eldredge suggests we should engage God in simple questions:
“What are you teaching me to do?
What are you teaching me to let go of?
What in my heart are you speaking to?”
So…….I’m gonna try to ask these questions when I am being surrounded by the Philistines……as
David did in 2 Samuel 5:17-20, 22-25. No Formula…….
But an open heart……listening to the Spirit of God……speak…..and He will speak.
Do you Hear m?Hi
Is He is speaking to YOU?
Next Book……….
Walking with God
John Eldredge