Can we Blame it on the Devil, the “Accuser of the Brethren”???

by Keith Johnson

Is it a spiritual battle between you and the enemy and your wife…….not just you and your wife……..both ‘in the flesh”? Have you ever felt, like I have, that no matter how you tried to be clear in communicating with the love of your life, your lover, the Mother of your children, your soul mate for life, and your bestest friend on the planet……….no matter how hard you try………you don’t get through and you don’t have a freakin clue how to get through!!!

Now…………is that the enemy or my stinkin inadequacy and/or flesh/sin?? Cause I know how inadequate I am in communicating with my wife and women. But I can tell you that there have been times where I felt there was a block and a barrier and it was supernatural, not normal or natural and it was oppressive!! Call it demonic, evil, queer, strange, abnormal, mystical or supernatural, other worldly??? I don’t know……but I sure felt helpless, no clue and powerless to communicate!!!!

And I do know that when we do communicate and understand each other, our ministry is powerful and effective and giving. We have served together powerfully and loved many children together selflessly to the Glory of God. But there have been times where we have not done well together………… that the Enemy, Lucifer, the Devil, the accuser of the Brethren?? Eldridge says it is and so does C. S. Lewis in The Screwtape Letters. The Devil is concealing himself and doesn’t want you to believe he exists because he is much more effective this way.

Is Peter right???? Is the Devil a roaring Lion? Seeking whom he may devour? What do you think? Do we fight the ones we love the most because of an evil force know as the Slanderer, the fallen Angel…..Lucifer?
Look forward to hearing your comments…………..


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