Lover of the Least , Vol 13
Kathmandu Flood Causes Suffering for our Friends
by Keith Johnson
Dear Friends:
Our dear friends on the river in Kathmandu suffered another flood on Wednesday. My Sister Asangla notified me with these pictures and video. Lover of the Least has been working with these very poor people for 2 years now and we have great love and concern for them.
Please pray for our trip to Kathmandu on October 1. Pray for wisdom on how to serve these poor flood victims and direction on a path forward. We would like to start businesses and help these dear people with a sustainable plan to live. Better housing and healthcare.
Prayer Requests:
Flood Victims – Our Homeless friends on the river in Kathmandu
My visit to Kathmandu on October 1
Farming God’s Way Training in Indy
Upcoming trip to Thailand, Burma and Nepal on September 4 for 5 weeks
Food and Clean Water at Lighthouse Refugee Camp
Online English training for 12 Students
Hepatitus B Healthcare for 5 Burmese refugee children at Lighthouse Refugee Camp