Lover of the Least , Vol 14

Are you Afraid of Death?

by Keith Johnson

Dear Friends:

It has been a hectic, action packed couple of weeks since our last newsletter. I have traveled to Indy for the “Farming God’s Way” Conference and then Sacramento for a business meeting and then Vegas. Projects include a 3 Wheel Basic Utility Vehicle by BUV that pulls 3000 lbs helping poor famers transport to market, an English Second Language Launch to our Refugee Camp in Burma, and a Crisis Flood Relief project for our poor flooded friends in Kathmandu. And then last Sunday after a great hour of fellowship with Jesus Followers, I rushed down to St. Pete, FL, where my wife almost died. That’s right. A freak accident at her Mother’s home almost killed her!

Now, honestly, I have never been afraid of my death. In fact, sometimes I long for it. Knees, back, over weight, detached retina, etc. The body is getting older every day. I want my heavenly body and I want it now! But my wife’s near death experience scared the living hell out of me!! I felt physical pain throughout my body, especially the 4 hours I drove not knowing if she would make it out of emergency surgery alive.

Wonderful news!!! She made it after 2 days in ICU and is recovering, although still in a lot of pain. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.

And then I remembered what James said a few years back. Ok, about 2000 years back. Life is but a vapor. Here one day and gone the next. All the ministry and projects at “Lover of the Least” pale to knowing and loving and obeying Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith. I hope I never get over this past week because it helped me focus once again on the Kingdom and why I am here and why it is urgent to not give up. No one is promised tomorrow on this planet.

Not my wife, not me, not you!

Prayer Requests:

  • My Dear Wife Linda’s Health…….. 36 years and not done yet.

  • Flood Victims – Our Homeless friends on the river in Kathmandu

  • My visit to Kathmandu on October 1

  • Application of Farming God’s Way Training in Burma and Nepal

  • Upcoming trip to Thailand, Burma and Nepal on September 4 for 5 weeks

  • Food and Clean Water at Lighthouse Refugee Camp

  • Online English training for 12 Students


Lover of the Least, Vol 15


Lover of the Least , Vol 13