Lover of the Least , Vol 10
by Keith Johnson
If Not Me, Then Who?
Dear Friends:
Today, on this Memorial Day, I think of my father, Lt Col Jack D Yates, Jr. A Korean War Veteran and 4 tour Vietnam War Veteran with 2 Purple Hearts, 1 Bronze Star and 1 Silver Medal.
Although drafted into the Korean War, he volunteered for the next 4 years in Vietnam. He came back with war scars both mental and physical including Agent Orange poisoning. He was an inspiration to me to go to Trouble, not run from it.
No matter how unpopular, be brave, serve those in need, not cower from the inconvenience. Don’t give into fear just because there is risk involved.
We try to live like this at Lover of the Least. We try not to compartmentalize our privileged lives from the afflicted and poor. As we serve the afflicted in Burma, Thailand and Nepal, we remember the words of the Psalmist:
“I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and will execute justice for the needy.” Psalms 140:12
And again……….
“O Lord, you hear the desire of the
afflicted; you will strengthen their
heart; you will incline your ear.”
Psalms 10:17
And we ask ourselves the tough questions like, “If Not Me, Then Who?”