Where Have All The Missionaries Gone?

by Keith Johnson

You might just say……….WHO  CARES?

BUT it is quite alarming!

The IMB run by the Southern Baptist Convention is making reductions every year.

From the Wall Street Journal, an article in Oct 2015….”Cash Strapped Missionaries Get a New Calling:  Home!”

The journal goes on to say…..

“The International Mission Board, an entity of the Southern Baptist Convention with 4,800 missionaries and 450 support staff, 

plans to cut 600 to 800 people from its workforce, a 15% reduction. 

It is starting by offering voluntary early retirement to veteran missionaries.  

Since 2010, the organization has spent $210 million more than it has taken in, officials said. Last year, it had a $21 million shortfall.”

And then again last year, Feb 2016, another announcement by David Platt….

Six months after announcing plans to cut 600 to 800 missionaries and staff in order to balance its budget, the International Mission Board (IMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) revealed today that it has lost 1,132 workers—almost twice as many as its low-end estimate.

In all, 983 missionaries and 149 US staff have accepted the IMB’s offer of voluntary early retirement or resignation. That brings the number of SBC missionaries in the field down from 4,700 to about 3,800—a return to 1993 levels.

But even more tragic……………this past weekend in Bangkok, Feb. 2017,

My friend and 30 year veteran missionary, Mak Sanglir, attended an IMB conference and the news wasINCREDIBLE!!



That’s right……………..you got it………4000!  And that’s just one Mission group.

And just tonight, just got word from another family I have visited in Phang Nga that has served in Thailand for 12 years……..Gone back Home….

So what is happening??

I must say that I still see the American church building bigger and better and barns……..Multi Million Dollar Barns!!!

Does your “life consist in the abundance of your possessions”?

See Luke 12: 13-21….Jesus had some interesting things to say about big barns and more possessions.

(By the way…..you don’t hear this parable taught very often.)

I still see Rich Christians getting Richer and I still hear people reminding me…..”Brother Keith…..remember…the Poor will always be with us.”

Apparently, the Rich will always be with us too, but they are NOT giving!

The DOW is up almost 15% since Nov, 2016………is your giving up 15%?  Is it even 15%?

I know accountants who handle taxes for multi-millionaires and they see where the money is going…….

And where it ain’t goin!  The Craving mentioned in 1 Timothy 6:10 is getting stronger!!!

Some of my friends are alarmed at me………..”Keith!!”, they say, “You can’t say that Brother, it will offend Rich Christians

Who might want to give to your ministry!  You are too judgmental and accusatory!!  Be kinder!”

No Question…….I am frustrated!!!  But I have my reasons….mainly, because I have traveled the World and see the great needs.

I have also experienced the blessing that comes from Giving to The Least!  I have witnessed abundant giving from people filled with the Holy Spirit…..

Who left incredible legacies……….and I want to be like them.

And not like the Rich Man mentioned by Jesus in the Luke 12 parable.  He was covetous and his motto was simple…….

“relax, eat, drink, be merry”

Well…….I don’t know about you……but those 4 acts come easy to me!

I don’t even have to think and I can do those 4 actions……but is that my calling?

Is that your calling?

I sincerely believe my calling is mentioned in Matthew 28 and 1 Peter 3:15 and I don’t believe it is an option or a special calling.

We all need to be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you……..

And we are ALL called to do it for ALL nations, not just the wealthiest..



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