We Are His Workmanship

by Keith Johnson

……….CREATED in Christ Jesus for good works”


Ephesians 2:10 is an eye opener since it follows that well known verse…..

“For by grace you have been saved through faith.  And this is not of your own doing, 

It is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”  Eph 2: 8-9

So I have been saved by an act of obedience, a work, on the cross….

By Grace….

Not by MY Doing….


But what was I saved to DO?

Grow fatter and richer and lazier?

Play better golf?

Travel and enjoy life?

Eat, drink and be Merry?

Take no risks, sit on my butt and stay safe?


Paul has another idea…….

Although none of the above are totally evil. (except the grow fatter and lazier part)

We were created for good works…..Paul says.

There ain’t no Plan B……we are it!

No one else was created for good works like us.

The Father wants to work through us and calls us

“His Workmanship”


And again…….Paul reminds us in vs.11-13

“…………..Remember that you were at that time separated from Christ……….

Having no hope and without God in the world………you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.”

This blood was not cheap…..

And we have been called to perform, not talk, good works…..

And man alive, do I know a lot of talkers, self-proclaimed scholars of the Bible, experts in every doctrine!

And Wow, do they love to talk….

And so do I………..because its easy!!!

It involves no risk, no blood, no sweat, no tears, no pain, no suffering……….just talk….

But its cheap talk, my friends.


I was created for “good works”……not good talk!

Good discussion, good argument, good disagreement…..there’s a place for it……

But it is not a substitute for Good Works!! 

I got several interesting comments from my blog (see below) last week.

And I appreciate the feedback……especially if you disagree…..at least you are reading!

So if you don’t feel “the call” or even agree that Matthew 28 is for today……..I would say….


Do Something!

“lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, whether neither moth nor rust destroys…..”  Matthew 6:20


Matthew West plays it well….

I’m so tired of talking
About how we are God’s hands and feet
But it’s easier to say than to be
Live like angels of apathy who tell ourselves
It’s alright, “somebody else will do something”
Well, I don’t know about you
But I’m sick and tired of life with no desire
I don’t want a flame, I want a fire
I wanna be the one who stands up and says,
I’m gonna do something”
We are the salt of the earth
We are a city on a hill
But we’re never gonna change the world
By standing still
No we won’t stand still
No we won’t stand still
No we won’t stand still
Read more at http://www.songlyrics.com/matthew-west/do-something-lyrics/#6DSSvb9X0tbJrb2f.99


Where Have All The Missionaries Gone?


Go And See!