What Is TRUTH??
by Keith Johnson
My opinion, my pastor, the media, Donald Trump, Republicans or John 17:17??? ……”your word is Truth.”
A question that everyone is asking these days!! And…….
Many people are claiming they know it or have it or speak it…….
Pilate asked this question to Jesus 2000 years ago!
“ Then Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?”
Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king.
For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world ————to bear witness to the truth.
Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.”
Pilate said to him, “What is truth?”
John 18: 37-38
We all claim to want the Truth………but do we really???
I am not so sure………did Pilate want it?
I do for a fact know that my flesh does not want the truth!!
I run from it, often……..I run into darkness because Truth sheds light on my sin!
The Truth is very uncomfortable!
But why?
John 8:32 says, “and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
But, sometimes, I think sin sets me free and truth and righteousness becomes bondage.
I believe that this blog is about Truth…..I quote the Word and I give my opinion and its raw and sometimes divisive and often times harsh….
And there are many people, who sometimes read this blog, don’t believe I am writing Truth……..
Instead, some believe I am judgmental, hypocritical, harsh, bipolar, and/or self-righteous
And of course, it doesn’t really matter what they think of me…….because I am not Truth!!
I’ll be the first to admit that……..but sometimes, occasionally, I think I stumble on Truth……
Two verses later, Jesus gives us the opposite of Truth………
“Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin.
The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
John 8: 34-36
Ever been a slave to sin?
Of course you have!
But what comes to mind when you think of being a slave to sin?
Acts of Commission…….you committed acts of sin whether it was your thoughts or physical acts….you did or thought something sinful.
But what about Acts of Omission?
NOT Acting, NOT Serving, NOT Giving, NOT Loving, NOT praying, NOT Helping, NOT Sacrificing, NOT Giving Your Time!!!
Just Being like everyone else! Status Quo Christianity that doesn’t get involved. Keep to myself because its none of my business!
For the last 5 years as I now approach 60, I have been thinking…………
Am I really different from the rest of the world?
Would I be found guilty in a court of law for being Christ-like?
Not talking Christ, but Doing and Acting like Christ?
Would a prosecutor be able to pull up records and facts of my actions that are Christ-like………………..
And a jury convict me?
Or would it just be circumstantial evidence…….”we heard him quote the Bible or we have witnesses that saw him pray………
But we have no physical evidence of him actually DOING anything that really made a difference!!!”
“There is no DNA evidence that his hand was ever on that Widow’s rake or the $100 bill that he claims he gave to the orphanage.”
“Sure, sure, he talked about doing stuff a lot. Prayed for orphans and widows at every Wednesday night prayer meeting and twice on Sunday…..
We even caught him at Starbucks more than once, talking to a younger brother and sharing scripture and even praying in public………..
But we never really saw him DO anything that looked like he believed the Words of Jesus and walked in the Truth.”
“WE have NO proof…………..INNOCENT of the Charges!”
This has been MY conviction for the past few years.
We all have about 90 years max on this planet……some less……..a lot less!
So what are you Doing, not talking, but doing?
Doing Anything that makes a difference on this planet for Truth?
“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,
Making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.”
Ephesians 5: 15-16