by Keith Johnson



A common phrase in Politics………..should be a common phrase in Christianity.

Have you ever slowed down and really observed American Christians and their Christianity?

I mean……….to really watch Behavior, not spiritual talk, but actions.

You might call that Judgmental and you might be right…….but I personally believe we need to inspect fruit and be discerning.

But when I see true selflessness, agape lovers of people and God………and I know a few…VERY FEW!

I Follow The Money……….and it doesn’t go to 401k’s, new cars, houses and furniture, trips, and stuff!

It goes to the Kingdom!  The Kingdom of God!!


My missionary friends have observed this behavior over the years.

The people we serve, mostly the Hmong refugees in Thailand, notice this behavior as well……..

They called one American missionary, “High So”, meaning “High Society”!!!

This guy was not much about the work, but a lot about the Money and Support……..

And the Hmong saw it………High So!

Now………we laughed about this because it was funny at the time.

After 7 years on the mission field without accomplishing much, he left for the USA, worrying if he would still get support from American Churches!

Now, that’s not funny, that’s Sad.

But if you “Follow The Money”,  you follow the heart.

Others have visited our children’s home in Thailand and talked spiritual while they were there……….But,

When it came to the work of serving the Least at the home and the financial support…………

Not much enthusiasm !!!

But lots of excuses
………and then, silence.
So what are we afraid of?
I have written about this before.  
In order to understand it, you have to observe the behavior of fearful people.
Much of it is cultural…… Wall Street tells us we need millions to retire comfortably.

Our parents tell us to be frugal and save and die rich because that’s what successful Americans do.

We live in fear of dying poor because poor people are losers.

You remember that Great Loser…..

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, 
That though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor,

So that you by his poverty might become rich.”

2 Corinthians 8:9

JESUS did not seem to value temporal wealth ……….he could have had had ALL he wanted.But he chose to become poor……WHY???
What am I missing here???
I have so much stuff I can’t count it all……….Why?
Is this Fake Christianity???
It feels real fake if I am comparing my life to the Savior!  Real Fake!
So if I “Follow the Money” looking at my selfish, self centered purchases over the last 20 years, it ain’t Pretty!  Talk about Waste……….WOW!!!
I won’t bore you with the specifics……..but its stupid and shameful….I won’t lie!
And when I try to discuss sacrificial giving with Rich American Christians,They claim its a personal thing…….between them and God……
But what they are really saying and you damn well know, is I am not giving and I can’t afford to give!
Even if, I have been blessed with a huge inheritance or a gift or a rich spouse or a rich relative.I have bills, I have kids in college, I have a lifestyle to keep up in retirement…………just a reminder of vs. 6 in 2 Corinthians 9 from last week………………
The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully willalso reap bountifully.
Follow the Money……………..Follow the Fruit………………Reap the Fruit!


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