Lover of the Least , Vol 8

by Keith Johnson

Undercover Rock Stars

Dear Friends:

In the last newsletter I briefly mentioned the undercover Rock Stars I have met over the years. No, this is not Sir Michael Philip Jagger, who at 80 years old struts across the stage shouting “You Can’t Always Get What You Want!!” But, to finish the lyric, “but if you try sometime you’ll find, You get what you need.”

And these Rock Stars certainly give the “Least” what they need including food, safe shelter, medicine, innovative farming techniques and skills, English speaking and reading and writing skills, business mentorship, loving homeless children and most importantly, a road map to eternal life. All those valuable gifts that at a net worth of $500 Million, Sir Mick probably will not offer.

Here are a few more observations. Their names have been hidden to protect the innocent.

Miss M knows English Makes a Big Difference!

  • What a kind and sweet, humble servant and you will never know her name. But God sees her work, every day. Travelling by taxi, she visits poor refugee children in camps outside of Yangon to tutor and mentor. And runs numerous online teaching sessions. She absolutely loves teaching English and has been doing it selflessly and without compensation for many years.

Mrs. A and Her Love for the Kathmandu Slum!

  • A true servant and sacrificial lover of the very poor and needy along the river. She is a dedicated servant to the people of Nepal and supports many other servants in ministries throughout Nepal. We only go at night and under the radar but it’s always a wonderful time of sharing joy and kindness with dear people on the river. We were there in October in a driving rain storm, laughing and sharing as if no one had a care in the world.

A Humble Couple on the Side of a Mountain in Nepal

  • Not only do they parent and love over 30 teenagers in a children’s home on the side of this mountain, this Rock Star couple runs a 2000 chicken farm and a 2 acre vegetable farm that feeds additional children in other homes.

  • Hard dirty work living off the land in shacks on the side of a mountain with grace and joy, unspeakable, full of glory!

Last Thoughts

  • These are just four incredible people who have humbled and inspired me. They are in the field daily doing the hard work without any recognition. And they don’t want recognition. Exactly why I am not sharing their photos.

  • I certainly hope each of you get the opportunity to meet servants like this. Until next time, Go Serve Somebody!

Update on Projects in Burma

  • J and his team are translating two Farming Guides for field training to improve rice, corn and vegetable production

  • Located 10 acres to purchase for rice farming outside Yangon. Lease or purchase for Sustainability.

  • Loss of Power at Refugee Camp due to thieves stealing electricity. Solar Panel Installation.

  • Methane Gas Production to eliminate wood burning at Refugee Camp.


Lover of the Least , Vol 9


Lover of the Least , Vol 7