Why I Need The Body Of Christ
by Keith Johnson
If you haven’t noticed lately, the Church of Jesus Christ has got its problems!
Especially in the USA.
And I have been looking for a Church the past 25 years that doesn’t have problems.
Where everyone loves each other unconditionally and always get along.
Never quarreling or getting their feelings hurt and always serving and preferring each other to themselves!!
Praying and fasting daily for one another………..
And the rest of the community seeing their love for one another and realizing that “they have been with Jesus.”
Acts 4:13
You remember the boldness of Peter and John in the book of Acts……..Walking in the Spirit!
That’s the Church I have been looking for……
I don’t smoke Crack Cocaine
and I can’t blame you if you think I do!
I am simply a Stupid Work in Progress…….an Idealist without patience, grace or mercy!
All those things that have been lavished upon me by my God, my wife and some friends….
And now, finally, I am realizing…….that if its gonna be, its up to me……
So I have learned two lessons in the last 9 months…..
We disagree. We get our feelings hurt. We hurt each other’s feelings. We don’t show mercy or love or grace.
We separate on doctrines like Calvinism, Submission, Baptism, Praterism, Charismania, Missions and a hundred other doctrines…….
We cling to “Works” Salvation by doing good “church” works for recognition……
And we hold grudges and never ask for forgiveness…..
And we get NOTHING done for the Kingdom!
Because we are too busy playing games.
But the days are Evil and its time to stop playing games………so I have found an Imperfect Church, full of sinners!
And I am sure I will eventually be hurt by someone, insulted, disrespected, disliked………and other things that sinners do.
Feels just like my Family!!!
But I need the Body of Christ!
With all its imperfections and mistakes and stupidity!
And they need me…..with all my imperfections and mistakes and stupidity!
But not just on Sunday morning……..for an hour or two.
I want real fellowship similar to Acts 2: 42-47.
What about you?
Have you found an Imperfect group of Believers?