WALKING WITH GOD: Transformed from What? Restored to What?
by Keith Johnson
I hate Addictions!
But unfortunately, they love me!
…………….and they loved my family……..my Father dead at 58…..lung cancer from 3 packs a day for 40 years
My Mother lived for 80 years, 60 of them addicted to alcohol and drugs, dying a horrible death!
As I mentioned last week in my testimony…………we are in the process of being Transformed!
But Transformed from what into what?
Eldredge makes it clear…..
“God wants us to be happy. Really. “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). But he knows that in order for us to be truly happy, we have to be whole. Another word for that is holy. We have to be restored. Think of it this way—think of how you feel when you really screw things up. The look on your son’s face as you yell at him. The distance that has grown between you even though you apologized. For the hundredth time. How it tears you up inside to indulge in romantic fantasies about someone else’s spouse. You want that, but you don’t want that, but you wish you could, but you really don’t, and why is this going on inside? The guilt you feel when you lie straight-faced to a friend. And they find out. The hours you’ve wasted harboring resentment. The embarrassment of your addictions.
You know what plagues you. Now, what would it be like to never, ever do it again?
Not even to struggle with it.
What would your life be like if you were free of all that haunts you? Oh, the joy, the utter relief it would be to be transformed. That in itself would be more happiness than most of us ever experience. And—as if that were not enough—it would free us to live the life God has for us to live.”
- Eldredge, John (2010-09-19). Walking with God: Talk to Him. Hear from Him. Really. (p. 28). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.
I gotta tell ya…………
I know a lot of followers of Jesus, but I know few……………….
Free of Addictions…..free to live the Life God has for them!
But the ones I do know…….are incredible humans…….INCREDIBLE!Effective, productive, filled with the Holy Spirit, Walking by the Spirit, HOLY, Confident, Focused, Eternal, Other Worldly,
Total Supernaturalists!It has been an honor to know them, love them and walk beside them.
Mere men and women………..but totally surrendered!!!
So……knowing this, Eldredge makes sense when he says:
“My friends, this is what God’s up to. This is where our Shepherd is headed. Whatever else is going on in our lives, this is going on. He is committed to our transformation. So, if this is what God’s up to, wouldn’t it make sense that we be more intentional in partnering with him in our transformation?”
Eldredge, John (2010-09-19). Walking with God: Talk to Him. Hear from Him. Really. (p. 28). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.
So why don’t we….partner with Him in our Transformation??
I think its Pride………we know more than He does!
At least that’s my problem!
What’s holding you back from being totally Transformed?