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Loving the Least in Namtoaung Village

by Keith Johnson

There is a need in the poor mountain villages of northern Thailand.

There is a lack of care for 5 – 12 year olds who are often left in their Hmong refugee villages to fend for themselves while their parents are away working as migrant farm laborers.

Pastor Jehr in Namtoaung Village on the Thai/Laos border wants to address this need, and we are making plans to build a facility in the village where 5 – 12 year olds can receive care and an education also.

UPDATE!!  Now, we are proud to say that Kathy’s Home will open in Namtouang Village for these children and even more! The Grand Opening will be December 12, 2016. Come join us!

Currently Jehr and his wife care for 15 abandoned children and that number will soon swell to 30.  Jehr is a former Buddhist Monk who converted to Christianity when his former demon priestess mother turned away from her fear bases animistic religion to faith in Jesus, and she led Jehr to Christ.

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No more ruts! A good road.