Lover of the Least , Vol 2
by Keith Johnson
Burma (Myanmar):
Thousands Flee the Draft – Our Children are at Risk
Dear Friends:
(Burmese military supplements its depleted forces through a draft)
Our second newsletter brings worse news from Burma than our first from last week! The mandatory conscription law (Draft) was implemented last week to be effective in April. My friends are in a panic and three have left the country already. Others are considering monkhood, self-mutilation, fleeing the country or paying bribes to government officials. Others claim they would commit suicide if they were ordered to fight the PDF (People’s Defense Forces). But many of the poorest of poor and marginalized that we work with cannot afford to pay a bribe. Only the rich and connected win in this game.
No ID, No Chance!
Our marginalized refugee children not only lack money for bribes, they have no proof of age since they fled the North. The Army could break through our refugee camp and take 14, 15 and 16 year old teenagers without any ID or proof of their age. This is our greatest prayer request and I must admit, our greatest fear.
Can you imagine your 14 year old son or grandson being snatched up by a brutal, blood thirsty group of savages with Chinese machine guns, loaded on a bus and shipped to a military camp? It is happening every day in the streets of Yangon. City buses stopped in traffic and everyone evacuated and if you are male and look over 18, you now belong to the Burmese Army!
(Barracades on the streets of Burma)
Does the United States Care?
Do you Care? There is no reason to care! No US interest in Burma. It’s not strategic. No oil. No trade advantages. Some minerals and gemstones but what American woman collects sapphires and rubies. China supports and runs most of the businesses and is taking land daily.
Recently had a Burmese friend, who is a Geologist and sells gems, tell me that the Chinese stole a gem mine from a Burmese citizen last week. Most of the weapons are Chinese made and the allegiance is tight. We’ve got enough issues with the Chinese. Why create another one?
War Crimes Committed Daily
We could show you horrific videos of young men being chained and dragged through the streets and barbequed alive, villages firebombed and women and children laying lifeless on the ground. But in order to maintain our sanity, we compartmentalize these images and try to believe that this is just a fake Rambo movie! It’s not! There ain’t no Rambo in Burma.
So why do we share this sad and depressing truth with you. Three simple reasons:
#1 - These people matter. It’s not their fault they were not born into freedom and wealth and privilege like most of the readers of this newsletter including its author.
#2 – The “Voiceless” need a Voice. You would never hear this news unless we brought it to you from the field, from the source. And some of you still find it hard to believe that oppressive slavery at this level is occurring today. Some of my friends call my stories surreal.
#3 – You can HELP, through prayer and donations directly to these people. No middle men, no percent taken off the top for admin as you see in many charitable organizations. If you specify where you want your donation to go, that’s exactly where it goes. 100% of it! You have my word.