Has God Changed His views on Homosexuality? Is God outdated? The Grammy Award thinks so!

by Keith Johnson

Homosexual (I don’t use the word “gay”, because all of my Homosexual friends are not gay at all, underneath, they are miserable) and straight couples were married at a Music Awards show last night. I am not making this up…check out the link below.

A rap group, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis summed up their view quite nicely when they rapped:

“The right-wing conservatives think it’s a decision
And you can be cured with some treatment and religion
Man-made rewiring of a predisposition.
“Playing God, aw nah here we go
America the brave still fears what we don’t know
And God loves all his children, is somehow forgotten
But we paraphrase a book written 3500 years ago.”


There are several interesting points and perceptions in this rap song that help us understand our Homosexual friends:

1. Sexuality is not a Decision. It is a genetic Predisposition. (a liability or tendency to suffer from a particular condition, hold a particular attitude, or act in a particular way: a child may inherit a predisposition to schizophrenia | genetic predisposition.) “I was born this way.” A Leopard cannot change his spots. How could my sexuality be Sin when I was born this way?
2. Straight people want to rewire us or cure us through Religion or treatments to change us back to them.
3. Non-Homosexuals are “Playing God”. They have a corner on the Truth! And they are judgmental and without love.
4. America still fears Homosexuality and is backward in there thinking. America just doesn’t understand and they fear what they don’t understand.
5. We are all God’s Children, both Straight and Homosexual, and God loves us all, no matter how we were born.
6. Straight people have forgotten this Love of God and substitute it with a Book that was written 3500 years ago.

Jefferson Bethke’s Mother is a lesbian. In his new book, Jefferson addresses his and her reaction and her condition which he believes is sin.
Then, my junior year of high school, my mom told me what was devastating news at the time. She came into my room, sat me down, and told me she was gay. She went on to include that she had fought it all her life and that the woman whom she had invited to live with us months earlier under the pretense that she was just a friend who needed help was actually her partner. (She fessed up after a fight between them.) I felt betrayed by my mom, embarrassed for not figuring out why another woman lived in our house, and ashamed that my mom was gay. What would my friends think? My attitude was so self-centered back then. All I could think about was myself. I was a good Christian kid, so I couldn’t have a gay mom, right? After that, my mom threw in the towel on the traditional Christian faith. The treatment of gays by conservative Christians finally got to her. My initial thought was, Well, if Jesus didn’t work for her, why would he work for me? So I gave up on God too. I was in pain. I was lonely. I wanted to escape but couldn’t . I went from religion to rebellion.

Bethke, Jefferson (2013-10-07). Jesus > Religion: Why He Is So Much Better Than Trying Harder, Doing More, and Being Good Enough (p. 4). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.

Think about the above comments and send me a note about your thoughts. Questions that I want answers to:
How do we love Homosexuals?
How do I share the Gospel with them?
Whats my role?
Is feminism the root cause?


Injustice from Christians….BLAME it on JESUS!


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