Got Godliness? What makes self-centered Men and Women………………. Godly?
by Keith Johnson
My friend and I are compiling the Memoirs of a Godly Man…………..
Probably one of the godliest men we have ever met……..and we know a lot of people…….having traveled the world many times.
It will be called “Ventures in Grace” or something close to that.
That might be the first clue to Godliness……..found in the title?
Not a common word in any language these days………not many people walking the streets full of Grace….
And certainly not talking about Grace or sharing it or giving it…….we are way too quick to judge!
Remember these…………….
“And Stephen, full of grace and power, was doing great wonders and signs among the people.” Acts 6:8
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14
“For from His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” John 1:16
And I would have to say, regarding this Brother and the great woman of God he was married to, this verse summed up their lives…….
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” I Peter 4:10
Which brings up another character trait of this Godly man…….a good steward/servant.
Selfless……this Brother was caught up in the lives of others…………NO!
Not gossiping, or backbiting or maligning them……….. but sincerely concerned about others.
In his book, The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness, Timothy Keller tells his story………
“When I was at school, my mother kept saying things like, ‘You know, honey, you ought to join the chess club.’ I would say, ‘Mum, I hate chess.’
‘Yes, I know,’ she would say, ‘but it will look so good on your college application.’
She would try again. ‘Don’t they feed the homeless and hungry downtown, every Saturday morning?
Why don’t you volunteer for that?’ ‘Mum,’ I’d say, ‘I hate that kind of thing.’ I would get the same response,
‘I know, honey, but it would look so good on your college application.’
So, at school, I did all kinds of things that I had absolutely no interest in doing for themselves.
I was simply putting together a résumé.
That is what our egos are doing all the time. Doing jobs we have no pleasure in, doing diets we take no pleasure in.
Doing all kinds of things, not for the pleasure of doing them, but because we are trying to put together an impressive curriculum vitae.
By comparing ourselves to other people and trying to make ourselves look better than others, we are boasting.
Trying to recommend ourselves,
trying to create a self-esteem résumé because we are desperate to fill our sense of inadequacy and emptiness.
The ego is so busy. So busy all the time.”
Keller, Timothy (2013-12-06). The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness (Kindle Locations 178-179). 10Publishing. Kindle Edition.
The ego just comes natural……… don’t have to plan or prepare…….just be your natural selfish self!!
Yes, our friend had an ego but he was so wrapped up in Christ, you seldom saw it.
Very low key, very humble….often, thinking and praying for others and ……………
Constantly, Serving! But never putting that service on his resume.
And because he was full of grace and a real servant of God,
He did “great wonders and signs among the people” he worked with! (Soon to be described in his memoirs.)
Just like Stephen!!!
What a legacy!
Poor as a church mouse…….full of grace, a servant of many, without a very impressive resume…..
He died around the age of 96 in the beloved land he had labored since 1952.
Now that’s Godliness!!
What about you?