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Everyman’s Battle – We need REAL Men around here! Men of honor and Decency, Men with their hands where they belong, and their eyes and minds focused on Christ.

by Keith Johnson

Are you that Man?………a Real Man?  A Man of honor and decency?  I must tell you…….I have failed this test many times…… my eyes and mind to Christ first and my wife, second!!

Just a few questions to get you thinking………..

  • Ever felt unsaved because of your insatiable lust for women?  Sooooo shamed and guilty and deeply flawed……an evil person……a total loser!  NO victory over Lust…….Alone…….not able to share it with your friends??

  • Ever doubted yourself……loss after loss after temptation after loss after temptation after loss………small wins but falling right back into lust??

  • Ever felt judged by this verse?  Matthew 5:  27-28???

  • Ever doubted these promises?  Isaiah 1:18??  Romans 8:33-39

  • Ever longed for Holiness but never felt like you had a chance in Hell to get it??

  • Ever used lust in the form of porn or masturbation to feel better after a tough day or week at work or argument with your wife?

  • Ever been told by your wife that sex is robotic, void of feeling and passion?

    • One wife said………”When my husband and I talked about this, he was honest and I was very angry with him.  I was hurt.  I felt deeply betrayed because I’d been dieting and working out to keep my weight down so that I would always look nice to him.  I couldn’t figure out why he still needed to look at other women.”

    • And the author’s wife…….”I don’t want to sound mean, but because women don’t generally experience this problem, it seems to us that some men are uncontrolled perverts who don’t think about anything but sex.  It affects my trust in men, knowing that pastors and deacons could have this problem………many men have this problem.  Since most men are affected, we really can’t call you guys perverts?

Anybody pass the test on page 26-27?????    What a stupid question!!!


  1. Do you lock on when an attractive woman comes near you? Smelling and looking fine……..ANSWER…only if I have a heart beat!!!

  2. Do you masturbate to images of other women? Other than my wife…..Answer…….Only if I still have my penis!!

  3. Have you found your wife to be less sexually satisfying? Only if I am into Fantasy PORN…..if I love her with Agape love……It is “mind blowing” SEX.

  4. Are you holding a grudge against your wife………a grudge that gives you a sense of entitlement? Do you mean an entitlement to masturbate?? I have in the past.

  5. Do you seek out sexually arousing articles or photo spreads in newspapers or magazines? Only if I am wearing my glasses!!

  6. Do you have a private place or secret compartment that you keep hidden from your wife? In order to look at porn and jack off!!??? I used to.

  7. Do you look forward to going away on a business trip? In order to jack off on PORN??? I used to… I dread it because I miss daily sex.