A Band of Brothers ready to shed their blood with you…Do you have Brothers like this?
by Keith Johnson
Come on………I know the answer…..it’s not NO….it’s HELLLLLLLL NO!!!! And that is sad!
Eldridge in Wild at Heart, claims…..”We don’t need an accountability group or a meeting of really nice guys…….we need fellow warriors, a gathering of Really Dangerous Men.”
David Smith writes in the Friendless American Male, “One problem is the friendless condition of the American Male….men can’t admit that they need the fellowship of other men.”
I call it the Cowboy mentality…….. the tough guy…….I remember the days when my Father would get hurt by my Mother or feel down about something. He would get his feelings hurt but never admit it. In fact, he would say……“don’t worry about me, I don’t have any feelings. You can’t hurt my feelings because I don’t have any.” Now……I admit…..that he was a tough guy…….part Comanche Indian, Special Forces Green Beret, one year Korean War, 4 years Vietnam, 2 purple hearts, (unlike John Kerry, his wounds required hospital treatment and stitches) one bronze star, one silver medal ……….they called him “Animal” on the High School football team. He was tough……..but he damn sure had feelings and they got hurt a lot but he never had another man he could share his heart with…….so sometimes he would share it with me when I was a teenager.
He would share his pain and his hurt………what a horrible marriage he had and it saddened him deeply……..he had killed many North Viet Cong but was unable to heal and repair his own marriage or the lung cancer he eventually died from.
What does Jesus mean in Matthew 11:12? “The kingdom of heaven suffers violence and violent men take it by force.” I really don’t think he is talking about “couch potatoes” and “Video Gamers”. I think he is talking about “men of passion” and masculine aggression and fearlessness, brave, loyal and dedicated to the cause of Christ! I don’t know many me like that today………do you? But if you find him……..I recommend that you fall on your knees and beg him to mentor you!
When I was 13 years old, we lived at Ft Benning in Columbus, GA. My father has just returned from Vietnam and he would eventually leave the Army due to the post war cut back. But I vaguely remember one night where he met with the men who he fought along side in Vietnam…….all junior to him. He had fought for his life with them and one of his Sergeants had saved my father’s life when the enemy had attacked him at night to cut his throat. These men, without the Lord, were still truly a Band of Brothers. I will never forget how thrilled my father was when he met with them and how close they were. They needed each other and had depended on each other and it showed. They were Warriors who needed each other!!
King David fell into sin with Bathsheba when he was no longer a Warrior strolling around the roof of the palace. 2 Samuel 11:1. He got lazy and became a couch potato playing games and fell……sharing with no one…….Posing………and falling
What about you……… Tough Guy? Who do you depend on??
(Photo Credit “Earl 53” Morguefile.com)