Lover of the Least , Vol 3
by Keith Johnson
What is a Refugee?
Dear Friends:
In the United States today, it seems popular to be called a refugee. 10 Million people in the last 3 years have crossed our borders claiming to be Refugees or Asylum-Seekers. It has become the #1 political issue in the US today! A group called Concern Worldwide US identifies the top groups of refugees in the world:
Syria – 6.49 Million
Afghanistan – 6.1 Million
Ukraine – 5.8 Million
South Sudan – 4 Million
Myanmar (Burma) – 1.26 Million
Sudan – 1.02 Million
Concern Worldwide US defines Refugees as people who have fled their homes, crossed an international border, and cannot return because they believe their lives are in danger. One or more of their basic rights are violated or threatened.
Recently in January, a donor dropped support of our children because they were not true orphans. We ran out of rice 20 days later. Most have parents who are displaced from the North due to the war and have sent their children to the South for safety.
But they are not real orphans and therefore not worthy of support. Of course, who cares if they are dirt poor, marginalized children without a safe home or food or education or a future. They are just not orphans! No need to say more.
But what is a Refugee? Is it the same as an “IDP” (Internally Displaced Person) or an “Asylum-Seeker” or a “Stateless Person” or an “Undocumented Migrant” or an “Illegal Alien” or even a “Homeless Person”??
Was Jesus a Refugee?
At Lover of the Least, we frankly could care less what you call our Children. We call them “Loved”. We do not qualify them based on titles. And we serve and love over 200 in various parts of Southeast Asia.
You will never find the term “refugee” or “IDP” in the Bible. Instead, you see terms such as “Strangers’, “Foreigners” and “Sojourners”.
Jesus said: “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head”. Matthew 8:20
Do you know where your children are laying their heads tonight? Many mothers and grandmothers do not!
In Matthew 25, Jesus did have something to say about “strangers” and “the Least of these”. ….as you did it to one of the “Least of these” my brothers, you did it to me. vs. 40 ….I was a Stranger and you invited me in. vs. 35
India Deports Burmese Refugees: On Friday, March 8, India starting deporting poor refugees back to Burma into a bloody civil war. The US State Dept. is "concerned that recent deportations from India to Burma included refugees and asylum seekers." New Delhi has not and will not sign the 1951 U.N. Refugee Convention which spells out refugees" rights. In addition, the construction of a 1643km wall bordering Burma was recently announced.